Said Director J. L. Blumenthal of the bureau of child hygiene, New York City: “The really fat baby has a mass of material that is of no use to him at all in fighting off ills and diseases of ...
Babies who are breastfed for the first six months ... solid food later in life are significantly less likely to become fat as adults. However, doctors have warned that parents should not put ...
New research reveals buffalo milk’s higher fat and protein may aid babies’ growth, but cow milk remains easier to digest and more affordable. Which is best for your little one?
When mothers eat a diet high in fat and sugars, their unborn babies can develop liver stress that continues into early life. A new study sheds light on changes to the fetus's bile acid, which affects ...
When mothers eat a diet high in fat and sugars, their unborn babies can develop liver stress that continues into early life.
When mothers eat a diet high in fat and sugars, their unborn babies can develop liver stress that continues into early life.
WE’RE always being told that too much fat storage is bad for the body. But there is one kind of fat that is more beneficial than the other. “If there’s one type of fat you probably want more of, ...
From about 6 months old, babies can begin to be offered nutritious solid foods. Even then, butter is not the best option as it is high in salt and saturated fat, which are not recommended in large ...