Pepe is the son of a successful Samoan businessman, who rejects his father's world and his Christianity. Although he becomes rebellious, anti-social and engages in criminal activity, as well as ...
Little red flying foxes are tree-dwelling bats. In daytime they can be seen roosting in giant camps that may include as many as a million individuals. The bats are indeed efficient fliers ...
Raccoons, foxes, weasels, bobcats, hawks, and owls are some of the predators. House cats often kill flying squirrels, the depredations frequently the first evidence that their owners have of the ...
Pteropus dasymallus daitonensis Daito flying foxes hang from tree branches. But their existence has been threatened since human habitation began there around 120 years ago, bringing cars ...
Tree kangaroos, which live high up in the tall rainforest trees of New Guinea and Australia, are usually very hard to spot from the ground. But thermal drones, which detect animals from their body ...
Bats can transmit rabies and other dangerous viruses. Among the bats, flying foxes travel particularly long distances, and should be monitored as animals that may spread infections across national ...
Flying Foxes and Lorikeets, native to Australia, are mysteriously falling from the sky and were discovered across a wide area in southeast Queensland and northern NSW this month. Some of them were ...
The paper, by C.E. Vincenot at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan, and colleagues was titled, "Can we protect island flying foxes?" ...