Improve your garden's health and productivity by using companion planting to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, and enhance soil quality.
WARNING: It’s too early to plant your garden. You are still in planning mode. Recently, when I did the garden talk in Bellville, I made it clear that it is still very early to start turning the soil ...
Integration of mineralogy and biology leads authors to develop the Al4Min-Cr platform to stabilize chromium as chromite in contaminated soils and water for point-to-point remediation and long-term ...
I know it's hard to wait, but cooler winter temperatures after planting send the plant into full dormancy and reset growth buds. Most peonies are sold as bare-root specimens and should be planted when ...
“Maize has to be sown into a friable, well-oxygenated seed-bed, and soil temperatures must have exceeded 10C for five consecutive days before sowing on standard soils, with 8C for light soils ...
It symbolises something wholesome and embraces the hands in the soil element of gardening. Yet for decades we have denuded and eaten ... Leaves are a plentiful resource every autumn and if gathered up ...
Plant poppies in a location that receives full sun and has loose, friable soil to ensure the strongest, healthiest plants. Annual varieties reseed heavily, so plant them where they have some room ...
I’ve left alone the cover crops ahead of April-sown vining peas, to retain some friable soil until closer to drilling. Time will tell if this is the right call.
Clean earth is exempt from the waste levy until 30 June 2023, after that it will be charged at the general waste levy rate. Earth is defined in the Waste Act as natural materials such as clay, gravel, ...