MORAG : (a few beats too late and gurgling) “Fhir a’ bhàta, na ho ro eile ...” SEANAIR doesn’t wait for his cue and breaks into an operatic version of ‘Fear A’ Bhàta’. SEANAIR: “Mo shoraidh slàn leat ...
MORAG : Thank you, Munro. SEANAIR : I’ll go with Melodaidh, then. He takes a step forward, accidentally crushing a flower. A muffled scream sounds from underground. DWELLY: (UNDERGROUND) (in Gaelic) ...
SCOTTISHNESS, language, music, tradition. These totems of culture formulate the lifeblood of a conversation with Brian Ó hEadhra ...
To celebrate the beginning of spring in the Gaelic calendar, ornithologist Seán Ronayne is across the schedule on RTÉ lyric ...
Talented singer Samuel Sheridan capped a memorable series of performances at the Inverclyde Music Festival when he took home the Andrew B.
The Gaelic-speaking son of the Western Isles later became Aberdeen University rector in what was a different world from today.
Glebe House, Glendale Pic Craig Ford/Flickr Dr John Shaw is one of the worlds’ foremost scholars of Gaelic oral traditions ...
Hansard and his reunited Frames will play at an Irish music festival dubbed Misneach at the Domain on March 16. (Misneach is Gaelic for “courage” and is pronounced, organisers ...
Seven points separated their teams in the end but Mickey Harte and Tony McEntee were singing from the same hymn sheet about ...
Jo MacDonald Pic Sean Purser Jo MacDonald is a freelance researcher, translator, broadcaster and writer, now living in ...
You’re probably here because you want to learn how to sing, or you want to give your vocals a polish. One of the best ways of doing this is to employ the help of one of the best online singing lessons ...
The song spent five total weeks at No. 1 before winning both record of the year and song of the year at the first annual Grammy Awards in 1959. Of the 39 non-English-language top 10 hits ...