Kornmesser Astronomers are gobsmacked by an abundance of oxygen in JADES-GS-z14-0, the earliest (and most ...
The galaxy is a vibrant orange disk, dubbed the Big Wheel. Its life began within the universe’s first two billion years of ...
They have now hit upon a jackpot as they detected oxygen in a new world. However, this world is not in our Solar System, in ...
📣 Using @almaobs 📡, in which ESO is a partner, astronomers have discovered oxygen in the most distant known galaxy! This ...
An international team has discovered a giant spiral disk galaxy in the early cosmos which is three times larger than similar ...
"This work highlights Euclid’s remarkable ability to detect and characterize dwarf galaxies, enabling a comprehensive view of ...
"I was astonished by the unexpected results because they opened a new view on the first phases of galaxy evolution." ...
New research from a professor at the Kansas State University that used imaging from the James Webb Space Telescope gives ...
Although the telescope is just getting started on its mission, it has already delivered some impressive snapshots of the dark ...
New observations with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope in Chile reveal the earliest-ever "baby pictures" of our universe, ...
Despite the bounce and subsequent expansion, nothing can leave the event horizon, so it expands into a new region of ...
Astronomers discovered oxygen in the most distant known galaxy. This changes what we thought about how fast galaxies formed.