Since 2025, China's express delivery business has been at a high level, with daily volumes exceeding 550 million items.
好消息! 寒假将至,多地旅游景区 推出面向学生群体的免票活动 四川、贵州、河南、内蒙古…… 有没有你向往的地方呢? 来看具体优惠政策 ↓↓↓ HOLIDAY 湖北 湖北文旅集团宣布,新春期间,湖北文旅集团旗下44个景区将推出五项惠民旅游政策: 2025年1月—2月(春节假期除外),集团旗下所有景区面向全国大、中、小学生免景区首道门票; ...
Over 510 million passenger trips will be handled by the country's railways during the period, with an average of 12.75 million trips daily, an increase of 5.5 percent compared with the previous year.