Chromosomal inversions are an important class of genetic variation that link multiple alleles together into a single inherited block that can have important effects on fitness. To study the role of ...
Structural variants in the human genome include cytogenetically detectable and submicroscopic deletions, duplications, large-scale copy-number variants, inversions and translocations. The ability ...
Discover the top genomics startups revolutionizing genome sequencing technologies to enhance disease prevention and treatment ...
Music is a powerful and cost-effective asset that can make us healthier. Why don’t we treat it as such across our national ...
The human genome encodes potentially thousands of tiny proteins that were previously overlooked. The search is on to find out ...
Experts in every field of medical research gather at meetings to decide which topics and projects are most deserving of funds ...
Last week, the Trump administration cancelled a series of panels that help determine how billions in federal health dollars are spent, including hundreds of millions of dollars a year to ...
In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump suggested something much bigger, bolder, and better than he probably ...
The technology was announced at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. In this project, the stakeholders aim to use a human reference genome to combine with patient data in order to try ...
You, my friend, are what scientists call a "holobiont"- an organism made up of human cells and the multiplicity of ...