Global ship ... ammonia from 25–100% load, marking yet another important step forward in the maritime energy transition,” Ole Pyndt Hansen, head of two-stroke research & development at MAN Energy ...
distant regions of the solar system. Ammonia is essential for many biological processes, Glavin said. Ammonia ice is more stable the farther it is from a heat source, like the sun. The researchers ...
Known as Enterprise Remote Monitoring Version 4 (ERM v4), the system is the shipboard aspect of a Pentagon program called Condition Based Maintenance Plus, which in part aims to leverage machine ...
distant regions of the solar system. Ammonia is essential for many biological processes, Glavin said. Ammonia ice is more stable the farther it is from a heat source, like the sun. The researchers ...
The samples are also providing a window into understanding what kind of chemical and biological processes were already underway as space rocks chaotically ricocheted around during the early days of ...
Syzygy Plasmonics and Lotte Chemical have commissioned and completed performance testing of the “world’s largest” all-electric ammonia cracking system in Ulsan, South Korea. Converting ammonia into ...
As the primary energy consumer in an electric ship system, the propulsion motor must be designed to meet the requirements of various propulsion system components, ensuring high efficiency. Permanent ...