The body of a witness outside the Lenasia Magistrate’s Court ... apprehension of the suspects to please call the nearest police station or call crime stop on 08600 10111,” Masondo said.
This is after two suspects allegedly shot and killed a 27-year-old male outside the Lenasia ... police are still on a search for the killers. Independent Online, popularly known as IOL, is one of ...
Gauteng police are searching for two suspects after a witness in a murder case was shot dead outside the Lenasia magistrate's court, south of Johannesburg ... nearest police station or call ...
Gauteng police have launched a manhunt for two men ... suspects allegedly shot and killed a 27-year-old male outside the Lenasia Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. the deceased was a witness in ...
The murder of a man outside the Lenasia ... in less than 24 hours, the department, in collaboration with the National Prosecuting Authority and the South African Police Service, is implementing ...
JUST IN| A man has been shot and killed outside the Lenasia magistrate's court, south of Joburg. He was allegedly a witness in a case being heard before court this morning. Police have cordoned ...