However, SIM doesn’t achieve the same level of resolution that localization microscopy can. Practically though ... Newer technologies for STED are making it much friendlier for live cells, such as ...
The high resolution of structured illumination microscopy and the ... non-repetitive sgRNAs in a human cell, we are able to paint an entire chromosome in a live cell for fluorescent imaging.
Scientists have developed Rhobo6, a light microscopy probe that reveals extracellular matrix structures in live tissues, advancing biological research and disease diagnostics. Rhobo6 is a light ...
Each light microscopy mode offered by the Wolfson Biomaging Facility can be applied to live cells and almost all of our microscopes are equipped with incubators ... For this reason widefield ...
The Incucyte ® system offers the advantage of performing live-cell analysis without ever having to displace cells or disrupt their surroundings. The system automatically and continually collects ...
Despite its importance, the extracellular matrix hasn't been ... use light microscopy to study these extracellular structures. They designed a probe, Rhobo6, that does not permeate cells but ...
This is the first time that all the proteins of an organism have been tracked across the cell cycle, which required a ...