hidden nine months in the womb of Mary Jesus, begotten by God, nourished by the substance and blood of His Most Holy Mother in the womb of Mary Jesus, leaping from eternity into time, in the womb of ...
As proclaimed by the Tome of Leo in the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.), Jesus is a Divine Person with two natures: a divine nature and a human nature. Since Mary is truly the Mother of ...
The first and preeminent of such members is the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Blessed Virgin was given to us as true mother by her son, Jesus Christ, as he died upon the cross. The Lord Jesus said to ...
From lens focal lengths and fill-flash to portraits, macro or stunning landscapes there are techniques for everyone. Learn how to use metering, considering composition and shoot everything from ...
Jesus is dead. From his heart ... Under the Cross stand Mary, his Mother, the sister of his Mother, Mary, Mary Magdalen and the disciple whom he loved. A wealthy man, Joseph of Arimathea, appears ...
Sunday, Jan. 19, is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass readings: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11. In this Sunday’s Gospel passage of the ...
Today, Boyle said, he’s become “a sort of mouthpiece for Jesus Christ’s healing power and of course the Mother and the power of her intercession.” Mary is a magnet for young and old.
This Gospel is a Christ-centered proclamation to Christian believers of all times. Mary, the mother of the Lord, is primarily a believer who has been with Jesus from his conception, to his birth, his ...