[Robin] over at acidmods sent in this interesting PSP mod. [PvP] added an internal hard drive (with the exception of a mini-usb cable sticking out the top) to his PSP. The advantage? Laptop hard ...
After feeling let down by the available games, ZenonDesingk pushed the limits by sideloading APKs via ADB and the Bugjaeger app. With a PSP emulator and fine-tuned settings, the Galaxy Watch 5 ran ...
However, there are seemingly some diamonds still to mine – according to Retro Games Ltd, anyway. After its excellent The C64 Mini and The A500 Mini consoles proved extremely popular, the company ...
The interactivity is minimal compared to other mini-games as players just have to line up button presses to the beat. The enjoyment comes from the character performances more so than the gameplay ...