In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, the nominations to the 97th Academy Awards have been announced, and Canadian stories and artists ...
“The Brutalist,” from director Brady Corbet, stars Adrien Brody and Felicity Jones as Hungarian refugees who come to the US after WWII. The film, which won big at the Golden Globes, was recently ...
Here's how to watch the year's most celebrated films ahead of the Academy Awards on March 2nd. Where to Stream All the Movies Nominated for Oscars in 2025 ...
Stream it on Netflix. Undeniably audacious in its plotting and conceit, Jacques Audiard’s musical about the wild odyssey of a transgender cartel boss in Mexico goes to places most movies wouldn’t dare ...
We knew that Batgirl was deep into post-production when the decision was made to scrap the movie, but according to a crew member who worked on the project, it was "completely finished." ...
On the music side, living legend Elton John scored a nomination in the Best Original Song category for “Never Too Late”. In an Instagram post, he called it “an incredible honour” and highlighted his ...