Leaders in Canada said they plan to pull U.S. liquor off store shelves beginning Tuesday. Here's a list of Kentucky alcohol ...
The central processor unit, or CPU, serves as the "brain" of your laptop, so naturally it's an important component to get ...
A premium liquid-cooled GeForce RTX 5090 from MSI, delivering exceptional 4K gaming and thermal performance. A gaming GPU ...
快科技2月3日消息,NorthridgeFix是一家阅历极为丰富的硬件维修机构,见过各种各样奇奇怪怪的损坏产品,但最近收到的一块RTX 3090却相当疯狂,直呼离谱。 收到该卡后,维修人员将它插入开机后,却检测不到任何信息,之后拆开惊讶地发现, GPU芯片、显存芯片统统不见了,有明显的拆卸痕迹。 同时, 各种元件要么丢失,要么扭曲位置错乱,就像龙卷风现场似的,一片凌乱, 惨不忍睹。 诡异的是,送修 ...