“To read the archive is to enter a mortuary; as it permits one final viewing and allows for a last glimpse of persons about to disappear into the slave hold,” wrote Saidiya Hartman, the ...
There can be no defense for genocide. In March, I spent a week in Namibia pushing for justice for the 1904-08 genocide of the Herero and the Nama peoples by Germany. Although that holocaust was ...
Between 1904 and 1908, Germany's colonial forces reacted to a rebellion by Ovaherero and Nama people in Namibia with brutal violence and prison camps. The trauma and political repercussion remain ...
Joachim Voigts was an integral part of Namibia's early fine art movement. As a member of Group 5, alongside Professor Otto Schröder, Fritz Krampe, Adolph Jentsch, and Heinz Pulon, he helped shape ...