算法工程师本身的薪资都很高了,比如月薪是 30k,这时候来个涨薪 30%,薪资就直接到了 39k,比之前能多拿 9k,这个 30% 涨幅跟跳槽能拿到的涨幅差不多。 去年 9 月份的时候,宣布 25 届采销、技术、产品等核心岗的校招生的薪资上调不低于 20%,而且不少部门从 16 薪,变成了 19 或者 20 薪。
Plans to build one of the world’s biggest wind and solar projects near the Nullarbor will undergo full federal environmental assessment and require EPBC approval.
CUET PG Mathematics Syllabus 2025 is designed to evaluate the aspirant’s proficiency in core mathematical concepts and ...
Farmers warned the emerging vector disease risk to livestock needs to be taken seriously. A farmer in Ayrshire who lost two thirds of his lambs this year to a virus has warned farmers need to prepare ...
The big picture: Having the last name "Null" is apparently the modern equivalent of being cursed. Just ask the Nulls who endure a never-ending loop of website errors, processing failures ...
No, not Edson, Edsert, or Edsner. E-D-S-E-R. Still, spare a thought for those with the last name "Null", as apparently it still breaks web forms, databases, and commerce systems the world over.
She didn’t know what kinds of problems it would cause. His last name is Null, the same word used by computer scientists to mean “no value” or “invalid value.” The Nulls of the world ...
Israeli cybersecurity company Dream Security, which was founded by former spyware company NSO Group CEO Shalev Hulio, former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and Gil Dolev, has raised $100 ...
Build5Nines.SharpVector is an in-memory vector database library designed for .NET applications. It allows you to store, search, and manage text data using vector representations. The library is ...
This Flutter plugin allows to show embedded interactive and customizable vector maps as a Flutter widget. This project is a fork of flutter-mapbox-gl, replacing its usage of Mapbox GL libraries with ...