(香港13日讯)在中国政府加强监管,打击恶性竞争的情况下,中国新能源行业正进入一场激烈的“3年淘汰赛”,超过374的企业可能难以生存。《南华早报》11日报导,中国电动车市场正经历快速整合,市场一度有超过400家车企,如今已锐减至约40家,并且仍在持续 ...
(新加坡13日讯)针对城市发展(CDL)董事局纷争达成和解,新加坡国立大学商学院治理与永续发展研究所所长卢耀群教授12日深夜接受《联合早报》采访时说:“这是所能发生的最佳结果。”卢耀群说:“这样的解决最恰当。我非常高兴,所有方能够为了城市发展著想,而 ...
SINGAPORE: City Developments Limited (CDL) executive chairman Kwek Leng Beng said his son Sherman and other directors acting with him have agreed not to take further action after a court hearing ...
Unable to attach its brand to Pakistan's national team, who are sponsored by Pepsi, Coca-Cola's latest campaign uses a limited edition bottle to tap into cricket fever and a distinctly Pakistani ...
“As I got to the light, I stepped over a big semi fender, and I saw a ton of pop cans from the Pepsi truck,” she said. It took her three minutes to get out of the tunnel. Domhoff eventually discovered ...
Coke said Tuesday that it will launch a soda promoting digestive health, called Simply Pop, this month. Pepsi is formulating a version it aims to sell in the spring.
Feb 18 (Reuters) - PepsiCo and its Frito-Lay unit have been sued in U.S. court in California by convenience stores that claim they have been denied the same sales deals offered to major retailers ...
According to the JPJ, the latest functionality in the MyJPJ mobile application will enable the 2,383,043 holders of the provisional driving licence (PDL) to apply for the conversion to the CDL ...
Pepsi's campaign will kick off on February 6, 2025, in New Orleans' "Chips and Sips Quarter," a pop-up event near the Super Bowl venue, and will run until February 9. In March, the Challenge will ...
Start a career in this lucrative industry. This is a great local opportunity to learn the skills needed to pass the NYS Class A and B driving exam. CDL Class A is an 8-10 week training program. It ...