A lethal cocktail of vehicular emissions, industrial waste, and the lifestyle issues such as smoking chokes not just their lungs but also their aspirations to develop. Consider the case of Riya ...
The best room temperature for people with asthma is between 68°F and 71°F with a lower humidity between 30% and 50%. This mild air temperature and humidity won’t irritate the airways.
An inhaler is a handheld device that delivers a puff or spray of these medicines straight into your lungs through a mouthpiece. Inhalers work faster than pills, which have to travel through your ...
has been released by Asthma + Lung UK Northern Ireland. It said air pollution from wood burning has steadily increased in the last 30 years, to the point where it is now the largest source of fine ...
Asthma occurs when the airways tighten and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to get air into the lungs. Likewise, the runny nose characteristic of hay fever occurs due to the ...
Formed in 2022, the Singing for Lung Health initiative supports patients ... called ‘Bronchial Boogie,' in which children with asthma were taught how to play brass instruments to improve ...
The lungs are the centerpiece of our respiratory system, but particle pollution from smoke can irritate the organs, causing asthma attacks and even heart problems. "Sometimes, it may make you more ...
Cigarette smoke is the major cause of emphysema, according to Asthma + Lung UK, gradually damaging the walls of these air sacs, making them break apart and merge into each other, creating holes in ...
Asthma can cause excess mucus buildup in the lungs, leading to chest congestion. It usually worsens when you have a respiratory infection or when your allergies are acting up. However, you can also ...
A lung biopsy involves the removal of tissue or growths from the lungs. A doctor will use special devices, such as a fine needle, to remove the sample. A lung biopsy can help diagnose lung ...