Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL is the open source EF Core provider for PostgreSQL. It allows you to interact with PostgreSQL via the most widely-used .NET O/RM from Microsoft, and use familiar ...
The world is under threat from a sinister chewing gum and a hurtling asteroid, and the planet's only hope is the team of ...
Nano-agrochemicals and nanomedicine are two areas of active research. While there are some distinct differences there are areas of overlap and lessons which can be learned. Here, the authors ...
One day, a robot of a cartoon character they used to watch together turns up at her foster home ... “The Electric State,” a ...
A mass of glossy oval leaves on tree-like branching stems, the money plant (Crassula ovata) is one of the most distinctive indoor plants. It is prized in China and across the globe by practitioners of ...
Plant genetics deals with heredity in plants, specifically mechanisms of hereditary transmission and variation of inherited characteristics. Plant genetics differs from animal genetics in a number ...
At this time of year, it's a good idea to protect against carrot fly by putting up a barrier such as horticultural fleece around the crop. Alternatively, plant onions nearby as their scent will put ...
Whole-foods and plant-based diets prioritize plant foods and minimize processed foods and animal products. These diets are associated with several health benefits, such as reduced risk of diabetes ...
If you're feeling inspired and want some of these joyful blooms in your garden, too, you may wonder, can you plant tulips in the spring? Tulips grow from bulbs and need to be planted at a specific ...
The Motion Pictures Association of America defines the PG-13 rating as one that strongly advises parents against potential material that may be unsuitable for children under 13. Within the scope of ...
When it comes to caring for your plants there are some tools that are essential for saving you both time and effort. A plant mister is one of these. The simple sprayer can help you regulate the ...