Researchers have announced results from a new search at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (European XFEL) Facility at ...
Electron beams produced in laser–plasma accelerators can be used to ... The ultrashort duration of these particle and radiation beams will provide unprecedented time-resolved measurements ...
The world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator ... are forming the quark-gluon plasma or if there's an alternative explanation. The Electron-Ion Collider, a DOE Office of Science ...
It may be the smallest, shortest chorus dance ever recorded. An international team of researchers observed how electrons, excited by ultrafast light pulses, danced in unison around a particle less ...
Microsoft scientists have created a quantum processor that taps into a rare state of matter that was first theorized in the ...
When you think of a particle accelerator ... The second laser beam is then bounced off this plasma mirror and further accelerates the electron beam from behind. In principle, you could repeat ...
An exotic new approach could shrink kilometer-scale machines into table-top devices.
What's less clear from a lot of these stories, though, is what this has to do with particle physics. For that matter, what does it even mean to talk about the electron having a shape? As ...
Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have achieved a significant milestone in laser-plasma acceleration ... the creation of compact particle accelerators ...
In a classical plasma, the particle number density is low and the temperature high. In contrast, the electron number density in a quantum plasma is much higher and the temperature correspondingly ...
"Using the Cairns distribution function, we explored magnetic energy conversion, plasma transport and particle acceleration ... alongside variations in the electron-to-ion temperature ratio ...