【DT半导体】获悉,我国量子科技研究迎来突破性进展。《自然》杂志2月20日发布一项重要研究成果,我国科研团队成功实现全球首例基于集成光量子芯片的“连续变量”量子纠缠簇态。相关专家表示,这一成果填补了采用连续变量编码方式的光量子芯片关键 ...
RTU in HVAC is a common term for commercial or industrial building owners, but normal homeowners may not be familiar with it. RTU is a type of self-contained HVAC ...
But not every HVAC system can accommodate a thicker filter—the most common size is 1 inch thick—though you can retrofit the ductwork of some systems to accept one. Something else to keep in ...
clang-uml is an automatic C++ to UML class, sequence, package and include diagram generator, driven by YAML configuration files. The main idea behind the project is to easily maintain up-to-date ...
nanoMODBUS is a small C library that implements the Modbus protocol. It is especially useful in embedded and resource-constrained systems like microcontrollers. A value < 0 for byte_timeout_ms means ...