A powerful i7 processor, RX 580 graphics, and enough RGB to light up your setup—plus Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and an RGB soundbar—all for $449.99.
Origins, the developers of the game - Claymore Game studio - have discussed several elements of their latest project.
The upcoming sci-fi ARPG AI Limit is all set to release globally on March 27, 2025. The game takes place in a ...
The First Berserker Khazan is an upcoming action role-playing title that will release globally on March 27, 2025, and is available for pre-order currently.
《矩阵:零日危机》是一款融合虚拟多元世界题材的肉鸽(Roguelike)射击PVE超解压爽游, ...
IT之家 3 月 14 日消息,腾讯游戏《矩阵:零日危机》今日开启全球限量删档“相位测试”,相应测试将于 3 月 21 日 21:00 结束。 官方称,在相位测试期间,英雄们可组成 2-3 ...
说到今年的单机游戏重磅新作,由Rockstar Games制作的《侠盗猎车手6》(GTA6)绝对是其中之一。似乎是想安慰内心焦急的玩家一般,Rockstar在上个月发布了公告,说将推出《侠盗猎车手5》PC版免费更新,也就是《侠盗猎车手5 ...
But like a cornered animal, the studio decided to take a radical step – and that’s how Amnesia: The Bunker was born. The ...
当你在电商平台刷到“16核i9级电竞神机秒杀价1999!”的瞬间,血压是不是已经跟着飙升的离谱价格一起坐上了火箭?先别急着清空购物车——这种“买U送整机”的骨折价背后,藏着的可是奸商们祖传的千层千层又千层的韭菜陷阱。电子产品的定价铁律从未失效:当“天 ...
Radeon graphics cards, despite being technologically behind their competitors in the past, have always been popular and loved by their fans for their ...
注意到,讯景 Radeon RX 9070XT 16GB 海外版显卡型号为 RX-97TQICKR9,显示 其属于面向主流玩家的 Qucksilver 产品线 。该显卡正面左右两侧的磁吸式翼状盖板采用了红 + ...
There are 64 compute units in the 9070 XT, which is only a little more than the 60 found in the Radeon RX 7800 XT and much lower than the 80 in the Radeon RX 7900 GRE. However, while the 7800 XT ...