Thirteen indicators were used to calculate University of Regensburg's overall Best Global Universities rank. Here is a breakdown of how this institution ranked relative to other schools for each ...
was greatly enhanced. I think it would be impossible to overstate the value of a year abroad. It was fantastic. Regensburg was a wonderful place to make new discoveries and learn a new way of life. My ...
Born 1968 in Eutin. He read law at the Universities of Kiel, Paris and Oxford (MJur) and did his practical training in Regensburg where he also was a Research Assistant at the University. He went on ...
A quantum "miracle material" could support magnetic switching, a team of researchers at the University of Regensburg and University of Michigan has shown. This recently discovered capability could ...
In a comprehensive Genomic Press Interview, Professor Inga Neumann, Chair of the Department of Behavioural and Molecular Neurobiology at the University of Regensburg, reveals groundbreaking ...
A multinational research team led by Professor Markus Meiβner (LMU Munich) and Professor Gernot Längst (University of Regensburg) has gained important insights into the gene regulation of ...
TSCM cells are a special type of T cells that help the human immune system remember past infections or diseases and quickly turn into active fighter cells when the body needs them. Several preclinical ...