The City of Sacramento is getting millions of dollars to help fix up Old Sacramento, but the historic district is showing ...
For more than a century, Fort Benning’s name honored a Confederate general who supported slavery. The military changed the ...
Nearly all of the YouTube restorers got into it for the same reason: It's cheaper to restore old things than buy new ones. He got into restoration long before he started making videos because ...
In this post we will show you how to restore any vacuum tube radio ... Be very careful when working with old radio equipment. Yes, these radios have very high voltage potentials inside.
In this photo provided by Dan Donaldson, Dana Klabenes, the city clerk in Neligh, Neb., holds her hand under a photo of former Mayor Fred Benning, a World War I veteran who is being honored by ...
The new namesake is Fred Benning, a Nebraska native awarded the military's second-highest honor for his battlefield courage as an 18-year-old corporal in 1918, near the end of World War I.
This Oklahoma man waited 2 years, been charged more than $115,000 to restore vintage truck for his kid — and the work still isn’t finished ...
(KOLN) - Donna Posusta has been trying to restore her barn in Buffalo County for nearly two decades. The 120-year-old barn sits north ... return the favor. “Two things about me that if anybody ...