Keeping the art form alive in Samoa are many siapo-makers ... Taatoa taps the bark with a traditional Samoan mallet, working from the centre to the edges, spreading it a few millimetres at ...
First Nation’s artwork is diverse and is not limited to dot painting. Art was one medium in which cultural stories, spiritual beliefs and knowledge were passed down generations, and is continued ...
Galumalemana Steven Percival is a Samoan matai with a passion for old Samoan artefacts. At the Tiapapata Art Centre studio in Samoa, he and a group of heritage artists are making to'i fafau (stone ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) The Samoan cultural concept Tofā Māmāo, rooted in ancestral wisdom, serves as a theoretical framework for guiding Pasifika research and policymaking. It ...
In February, the Samoan officer became the first soldier to ... unit or occupational specialty through the body art medium. Each of the services, however, maintain strict rules on what tattoos ...