During the past year, without a permanent leader, the Clark County School District has faced a budget crisis, paid millions ...
BAY CITY, MI -- Setting the scene for high school girls basketball in the MLive Bay City area heading into the postseason ...
On Feb. 25, the Lexington County School District One held a public meeting to discuss the Hunger Games book by Suzanne ...
The Franklin County Board of Elections heard challenges to two local city council candidates and allowed both to stay on the ...
The popular dystopian young adult novel is being challenged by a Midlands parent, prompting a hearing this week that could ...
Black people were much more likely as white people to be convicted of felony murder based on accomplice liability, study says ...
UF law professor Bernard “Bernie” O’Donnell Jr., whose quiet-yet-playful demeanor is what made his office hours an outlet for ...
Black people are not only disproportionately arrested for felony murder, they are  disproportionately convicted, scholars say ...
The Trump Administration gave universities and schools a Friday deadline to eliminate their “race-based” practices or risk ...
So far, our age-gap duos have been on two double dinner dates from hell, and have said maybe five words to one another in ...
Budget proposal to be presented to school board March 13; impacted staff to be notified of layoffs by March 15 ...
A parent complained about a middle school lesson and asked her Midlands school board to remove the popular young adult novel ...