Chaos erupted in the Georgian courtroom as the verdict was announced, with Mikheil Saakashvili’s supporters calling the judge a ''slave'' of the current government. Saakashvili was found guilty of ...
All literature is regional; or conversely, no literature is regional”—is a common sentiment to have today, but I had first read those lines from Joyce Carol Oates, in her preface to a book of stories ...
俄罗斯今天表示在伊斯坦布尔举行会议 ,并已向美国提议恢复航班,俄方称还讨论了如何解决两国关系中的 “诸多分歧”,显示莫斯科和华盛顿进一步恢复关系。 俄罗斯外交部在一份声明中说:“俄罗斯与美国双方讨论了如何克服美国前几届政府遗留下来的诸多 ...
Dozens of observant Jews will soon gather in the small South Moravian town of Holešov to honor Rabbi Shabtai ha-Kohen, or Shakh, on the anniversary of his death, more than three centuries ago. I spoke ...
The Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) says the Shakh Qand irrigation canal construction project in Afghanistan’s Logar province worth more than $46,000 was inaugurated on Monday. According to MoEW, ...