The fifth installment of of Shrek isn't hitting theaters until Christmas 2026 (so longgggg) but while we wait, we can rewatch ...
Hey now, all-stars – y'all gotta chill about Shrek 5. Alright, now that the pun is out of my system, there's been a lot of ...
To be totally frank, I am a Shrek fan. An apologist, if you will, so when I saw the cast announcement, I was not a negative ...
When Shrek Meets The Parents the question is simple ... Everett’s petulant tones amusingly at odds with his blonde beach god visage) swaggers into the dragon’s castle to learn he’s too ...
I'm not alone in feeling a little hesitant about the new design – many of us who grew up with the Shrek films were shocked and downright confused by the drastic animation style change. Whatever the ...