William Instone and Matt Rifley’s Butcher’s Bluff positions itself as a throwback to the heyday of the slasher film. There are prominent themes and elements from classic horror in this stalk-and-slash ...
The idea of going back in time and interacting with a younger version of a family member is also at the heart of a horror ...
The horror of Gangreene Estates lives on as Mezco Toyz unveils their latest original One:12 Collective figure with Aleister ...
Alfred Sole’s Alice, Sweet Alice helped to establish some of the most iconic slasher tropes three years before John Carpenter ...
While Alien, Predator, and Terminator are without a doubt sci-fi films, they have structures akin to slasher movies.
The Day the Earth Blew Up is part pop culture parody, part acknowledgement that there’s always been horror in Looney Tunes ...
Final Destination reinvigorated the horror genre by erasing the monster and removing the slasher from slasher movies.
Clown In A Cornfield' is 'Scream' for the digital era: a dark horror comedy unafraid of slaughtering its darlings.
In a reality where Earth is so rancid that becoming an expendable laborer in space is desirable, Robert Pattinson plays a human crash test dummy who faces the gruesome with ...
Fans consider the 1980s the high point of horror cinema for a reason. With home video becoming a standard part of every ...
Scream is still one of the most iconic and talked-about horror franchises in the slasher genre. Even if you’re not into ...