God our Father, creator and ruler of the universe, in every age you call us to use and develop our gifts for the good of others. With St. Joseph as our guide, help us to do the work you have asked ...
Exploring the concept of prayer and the invitation to God to enter our lives. Discover how our actions reflect our faith and prayer.
A community prayer is being held on the Spirit Lake Reservation on Thursday, following a tragic shooting earlier this week.
Preeminent among these servants of prayer is the Christian family. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “The ...
In addition, by fasting from the temptation to hurry and recklessly rush about, we embrace the Lenten call to grow by living ...
We invite you to teach us to live the way you want us to live.” When the prayer ends, Pratt encourages people to check out Hallow’s religious resources. “Join me in more prayer on Hallow. God bless ...
Lent began on Ash Wednesday, March 5. We have 40 days to prepare ourselves for the Triduum by allowing God to purify us ...
Here in Revere, we are fortunate to live in a community that embraces diversity and fosters understanding. The spirit of Ramadan, with its emphasis on compassion and generosity, provides an ...