That piece is Huehueteotl, a clay statue of an Aztec god by Santa Fe artist Hernan Gomez Chavez, who created it during a residency in Puebla, Mexico, over the summer. Gomez Chavez is also the ...
Xiuhtecuhtli, whose name means "turquoise lord" in the Nahuatl language, was the Aztec "new fire" god. The Aztecs kept a ...
D.C., this statue of a goddess giving birth (above) was widely believed to be a pre-Columbian artifact representing Tlazolteotl, a complex Aztec goddess. An Earth deity, she also ruled over the ...
The Aztec expert Kim Richter gives us her more secular understanding of the statue: "I've argued that the sculptures represent the Huastec elite, who dressed up with these fancy costume elements ...
as well as the ancient statue of Xochipilli, the Aztec god of art, games, beauty, dance and maize (among others). The museum offers a look at how tradition, culture and life were formed in all ...
The Aztec expert Kim Richter gives us her more secular understanding of the statue: "I've argued that the sculptures represent the Huastec elite, who dressed up with these fancy costume elements ...
The jewellery collection consisted of rings made of gold and metal as well as a triple statue of ancient Egyptian ... The triple statuette depicted the chief god of Thebes, Amun, his wife and ...