Data last updated January 17, 2025. As Ukrainian leaders vow to reclaim all territories seized by Russia, Moscow has prepared extensive defensive measures, particularly in Crimea, a region unlawfully ...
MONTCLAIR, Va. (AP) — In a wine shop an hour outside of Washington, owner Arthur Lampros sampled a wine from a part of the ...
Financial sanctions on Russia were introduced following the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the wider invasion of Ukraine in 2022. They include bans on exporting weapons technology, facilitating ...
Chernin and Suskauer’s exuberant performance of “This Is Not Over Yet” momentarily replaces the inevitable tragedy with hope, and their earnest love in “All the Wasted Time,” the ...
The appointment of a Ukrainian judge who visited Russia and occupied Crimea during Moscow's war against Ukraine has sparked criticism from the head of the country’s main judicial watchdog. The High ...
The pair, who briefly dated in 1992 while shooting the pilot for the CBS drama, have remained the closest of friends. Says the Emmy-winning actress: "There's an amazing uplift to this." By Seth ...
In a new treaty with Russia to be signed on Friday, Iran has rejected Moscow's annexation of Crimea, according to the Middle East Eye. Newsweek has contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ...
Keep reading to see how he was connected the tragedy, and how some believe it marked his career. How was Sean "Diddy" Combs connected to the City College tragedy? In the early 1990s, Sean Combs became ...
Here are just a handful of examples of rock stars who fell into tragedy after getting fired. Sound of a meteorite hitting Earth captured for the first time – on a doorbell camera I spent 30 days ...
January 14, 2025: The tragedy began eleven years ago on February 27th when Ukrainians demonstrated ... The Russian response was to invade Ukraine in February 2014 and seize Crimea while Russian ...
The scenes from the wildfires devastating Los Angeles are apocalyptic. As of this writing, more than 1,000 homes, businesses, and other buildings have been destroyed, and two people have died.