The app’s availability in the U.S. has been thrown into jeopardy over data privacy and national security concerns.
In a bid to take on YouTube, TikTok is revamping its desktop platform with the addition of several new features. The company ...
Downloading TikToks can be an easy way to send your friends a funny video that isn’t on the platform, or a way to repost your ...
TikTok is finally back in U.S. app stores, but what does that mean for the delayed federal ban that prompted its removal?
TikTok has updated its web app with bunch of new features, such as support for floating videos, landscape videos, and more.
President Trump delayed a ban on the Chinese-owned social media app and assured the tech giants they would not be fined for distributing or maintaining it.
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE, March 9 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that his administration was in touch with four different groups about the sale of Chinese-owned social media ...