First patient dosed in Phase II OCULE-01 study with roginolisib, an allosteric modulator of PI3KdThe European Medicines Agency (EMA) has granted Orphan Drug Designation for roginolisib for treatment ...
As many as half of people diagnosed with uveal melanoma (ocular melanoma) go on to have what’s called metastatic disease. Most often, the cancer metastasizes (spreads) beyond the eye to the ...
The summer of 2023 saw the approval of a new treatment option for certain patients with uveal melanoma, a form of cancer that begins in the eye and remains a challenge to treat. Richard Staines ...
Fitzpatrick skin type influences both characteristics and outcomes associated with uveal melanoma and conjunctival melanoma.
To blast through this bottleneck, a study team led by Dr. Dalvin, in collaboration with Martin Fernandez-Zapico, M.D., a cancer biologist with Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, decided to ...
Taylor Hackford and Helen Mirren also say in a statement that his son, Rio Hackford, "died of uveal melanoma, a very aggressive and rare form of cancer" Elizabeth Leonard is Managing Executive ...
IMCR's fourth-quarter 2024 earnings are likely to have gained from higher sales of its sole marketed product, Kimmtrak.
The updated NCCN Guidelines now include HEPZATO KIT as a Category 2A treatment option for patients with hepatic-dominant uveal melanoma. Previously, the guidelines limited its use to patients with ...