A silver armband discovered in a surprisingly large hoard buried in Scotland reveal more about ancient this ancient era.
Meet the Rune Master Those who used them for magic took the supernatural powers of the runes seriously. As one Viking poet put it, "Let no man carve runes to cast a spell, save first he learns to ...
A newly translated runic inscription has shed light on the Galloway Hoard, considered to be one of the richest collections of Viking-age objects ever found in Britain and Ireland when it was uncovered ...
These runes likely correspond with the names of the ... The Galloway Hoard is considered the “richest collection” of Viking-age artifacts ever found in Britain or Ireland, according to the ...
Numerous stones carved with runes found across Scandinavia bear fascinating messages, such as one about a powerful Viking queen or a warning for frigid climate change based on past events.
Evidence of runic writing exists from the Roman Iron Age and the Viking era, but researchers have puzzled for years over exactly when runes originated. The enigmatic, spidery markings have ...
This was useful for helping to decide who could inherit land and wealth. Image caption, Viking runes were scratched on to the walls at the Maeshowe neolithic burial chamber on Orkney by Vikings ...
However, a recent study has deciphered a new translation of the stone, one the researchers believe alludes to a Viking fear very recognisable to us today - their own climate crisis. Video by Maddy ...