To promote the belief that Metatron is the pivotal mediator between mankind and God is to completely disregard the truth of ...
The name itself, YHWH, is never uttered, instead saying “Adonai.” Indeed, there are seven names for God in the Hebrew Bible that demand scribes take exceptional care: El, Elohim, Adonai ...
Her songs pull from dark moments to tell her incredible story and the record is one of the best debuts you’ll hear this year. Experimental and visceral, YHWH Nailgun makes music that encapsulates the ...
Wales’s largest music, science, and arts festival, Green Man, has today announced the first wave of acts who will be playing ...
Mt Zion – Jerusalem – had an important role to play in God’s overall plan. After the Messiah’s resurrection and ascent to the Father, there would be a long period in which true believers would worship ...
Known as the 'God of Chaos' asteroid, its scientific name is after the Egyptian god of chaos, Apophis. And it is much, much bigger than the newer discovery. Apophis was first spotted back in 2004 ...
In Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire" trilogy, Star Wars fans met Mara Jade and learned she was once the Emperor's Hand. Undercover in Jabba the Hutt's palace during the events of Return of ...
Since last week’s newsletter offered a favorite argument for the existence of God, it’s only fair to balance the scales by considering a strong argument against religious faith, against the ...