2 月底,该股跌破中线,明确表明该股的上涨趋势已经结束。在超卖之后,该股试图在 2 月底突破中线,但最终是假突破,因为它很快又跌回中线以下。因此,根据布林线指标,目前的前景有利于空头。 移动平均线的信号相当混杂,总体上显示出不确定性。SMA ...
Indonesian Journalist Desca from ANTARA News Agency joined the Guangdong Delegation Open Day, and I invited her to cover the ...
As the RMB becomes a more internationalized currency and as China moves up the value chain for a lot of these cutting-edge products, you have the financial role of Hong Kong and the innovation and ...
The implementation of the "GBA Standard Contract" allows individuals and institutions in the nine mainland cities in the GBA and Hong Kong to establish standard contracts based on the voluntary ...
近期美国科技业爆发裁员潮,包含微软( Microsoft )、 Meta 以及 Google 等大型企业在内,许多科技业者纷纷展开裁员行动,受影响员工多达数千人。就在此时,美国的 Autodesk 以及 HP (惠普)等两家公司分别宣布裁员, ...
Nick Carter, one of the stars of the Backstreet Boys, is set to rock Shenzhen with his solo ‘Who I Am’ China tour. Expect a ...
2025年是大湾区总体发展蓝图出台的六周年,也是‘数字湾区’建设由目标逐步变为现实的关键里程碑。在数字经济的强大驱动下,湾区城市正加速向智慧城市阔步迈进。香港作为大湾区核心城市之一,应积极发挥自身独特优势,加强与其他城市间的互通与跨境协作,提升城市治 ...
思科在香港举办“Cisco Engage Greater Bay Area”活动,探讨科技创新如何为大湾区发展创造活力。思科最新解决方案涵盖领先的产品组合,助客户建立、保护和营运AI就绪数据中心。思科最新调查显示,CEO担心自身对人工智能的理解不足,影响企业策略部署,并错失机遇。思科于2023年五月成立大湾区团队,为企业提供创新解决方案,助客户在人工智能、网络安全和数码韧性等方面把握优势。
(全球TMT2025年2月25日讯)思科在香港举办“Cisco Engage Greater Bay Area”活动,探讨科技创新如何为大湾区发展创造活力。活动以“Go Beyond”为主题,旨在 ...
Mixue Group, operator of the Chinese mainland’s largest bubble-tea chain, plans to raise HKD3.45 billion in a Hong Kong ...
新闻概要: 思科最新解决方案涵盖领先的产品组合,助客户建立、保护和营运AI就绪数据中心。 思科大湾区团队为企业提供创新解决方案,助客户在人工智能、网络安全和数码韧性等方面把握优势。
BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- The National Financial Regulatory Administration on Thursday authorized mainland branches of Hong Kong and Macao banks to offer foreign currency bank card services. The ...