Investor Bill Ackman said shares of Howard Hughes Holding could fall into the low 60s if his proposal to buy stock in the ...
The hedge fund manager behind Pershing Square Capital Management is a former investor in Berkshire, and has been called the ...
億萬投資大亨艾克曼(Bill Ackman)計畫收購美國房地產公司霍華休斯(Howard Hughes),並將仿效股神巴菲特,將後者打造成「現代版的波克夏」。根據媒體報導,艾克曼麾下的潘興廣場資本管理公司(Pershing Square Capital Management)已經提交最新一份提案,把收購價碼從每股85美元提高到90美元,希望取得霍華休斯約1,000萬股。如果該提案獲得該房產業者的首 ...
1 Day HHH 2.30% DJIA 1.39% S&P Mid Cap 400 0.99% Real Estate/Construction -0.92% ...