Destiny 2's Episode Heresy has done a lot of things right, but players have noticed an odd change that makes the endgame ...
You know your video game has made it when it gets a Thomas the Tank engine mod. Skyrim, Resident Evil 2, Fallout 4, Elden Ring… the list of blockbuster games blessed with the terrifying sight and ...
Destiny 2’s Warlocks have been feasting on PvE in Episode Heresy with some incredible builds, with Void reigning supreme.
Vote for your favorite roleplaying games in The Gaming Gang 2025 March TTRPG Madness to determine the Gang's favorite for ...
Destiny 2’s received numerous expansions since launch in 2017 and keeping track of their release order and availability isn’t simple.
With multiple reworks to Exotic weapons and armor hitting Destiny 2 in Episode Heresy, players brought attention to a couple of other weapons in need of changes. One of them is an extremely niche ...
Destiny 2 fans have discovered a secret "annoying" buff that is overwhelming players and desperately needs fixing.
Destiny 2 players notice that the developer has possibly introduced a new secret buff for one of the game's enemies in the ...
尽管去年推出了广受好评的《命运2》资料片《最终形态》(The Final Shape),但Bungie的日子并不好过,公司经历了多次裁员。尽管《最终形态》为这一系列长达十多年的故事画上了句号,但据报道,其首发销量却不及前作《光陨之秋》(Lightfall),尽管口碑更好。