This street, roughly 900 meters long, stretches from Marchen Crossroads and Otaru Music Box Museum towards the ”Wall Street of the North”. Kitaichi Glass is foremost amongst its unique and busy stores ...
三千院位于京都市区东北部洛北地区的大原,是天台宗的五门遗址之一,起源于约1200年前传教大师最澄在比睿山的大山梨树下建造的草庵(茅庐)。此后,寺院在洛中地区经过多次迁移,每次都会更改名称。明治以后被称为“三千院”,并于明治维新后迁移到了 ...
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
It is home to art and artifacts from across Asia, including the world's largest and finest Japanese collection. The Tokyo National Museum (TNM) began in 1872 (Meiji 5) with an exposition held at the ...
フランス・パリにある自由の女神像から型を取って造られたレプリカ像。 施設説明 フランスで1889年に造られた「自由の女神像」が、1998年4月~1999年の1月までお台場に設置された。日仏友好のシンボルとして、初めての海外公開であった。「自由の女神像 ...
這座大型都市公園中,春天有罌粟花、秋天有大波斯菊,園內花卉四季不同,自然景觀豐盛。 設施說明 橫須賀久里濱公園佔地廣大,是一座活用了自然地形的公園。裡面種植了各種花朵,春季罌粟花,秋季大波斯菊開花的「罌粟、大波斯菊園」特別聞名,將近 ...
Would you like to experience "Cherry Blossom Tours" when you visit Gunma?1 popular "Cherry Blossom Tours" to experience in Gunma are available for reservation right now. Some experiences are available ...
來到群馬,為什麼不體驗一下 "賞櫻活動" 呢?1家在群馬最值得體驗的 "賞櫻活動",現在就可以預訂。 其中一些你可以在今天和明天體驗。我們也有交通票據,可以幫助你到達會面地點。 在群馬可以預約的 "賞櫻活動"的熱門活動 ...
Would you like to experience "Hot Springs" when you visit Shinagawa?1 popular "Hot Springs" to experience in Shinagawa are available for reservation right now. Some experiences are available today and ...
Planning your dream trip to Japan in spring for cherry blossom season? Here is where and when is the best time to see the cherry blossoms in Japan! In this deep dive, we share the Japan cherry blossom ...
난자타운은 일본 최대 규모의 부지를 자랑하는 실내형 테마파크로 날씨 걱정 없이 다양한 어트랙션을 즐길 수 있다. 원내는 3개의 거리로 이루어져 있다. 보리수나무가 상징인 서양풍 거리 '더킹엄 광장'과 50년대 중반~60년대 중반 일본의 정겨운 거리 풍경을 ...