The Dremel Blueprint portable saw station lets homeowners, renters, and DIY enthusiasts tackle straight, bevel, miter, and ...
Bosch Industrial Technology aims to achieve sales revenue of around 1 billion euros from software and software-related ...
Bosch Engineering developed a high-performance solution for battery voltages of up to 800 volts, which further increases the ...
Das 800-Volt-Antriebssystem besteht aus dem Bosch Elektromotor SMG230 und einem besonders effizienten Inverter mit ...
Zur hohen Präzision des D-tect 200 C Professional trägt die Vorauswahl des jeweiligen Wandtyps bei, denn unterschiedliche Wandeigenschaften beeinflussen die Objekterkennung. Hinterlegt sind jetzt alle ...
Wer am Fahrzeug die Reifen wechseln oder lange Schrauben in harte Kanthölzer treiben möchte – zum Beispiel für den Bau eines ...
With Battery Lock, Bosch offers eBike riders a smart security function that helps them to protect their eBike battery even better against theft. „Battery Lock“ provides additional digital protection ...
Milano – Fornire le competenze necessarie per orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro a conclusione dell’esperienza sportiva. Questo ...
Our Bosch Media Service is intended primarily for journalists, bloggers, and online influencers, as well as any other media professionals. If you belong to one of these target groups, our spokespeople ...
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