The Columbia Task Force on Antisemitism was created by Columbia University President Minouche Shafik, Barnard College President Laura Ann Rosenbury, and Teachers College President Thomas R. Bailey to ...
Isla R. Simpson and 16 co-authors (including L.M. Polvani): The path toward vertical grid options for the Community Atmosphere Model version 7: The impact of vertical resolution on the QBO and ...
The demonstrations that roiled our campuses during the past academic year uncovered deep disagreements about the mission of our University. During those months, consensus around the University’s ...
ALSA works to articulate, promote, and provide a forum for students,alumni/ae, professors, and professionals to meet and pursue their interest in African cultures, languages, societies, and laws. Our ...
Question 1: The Bare Necessities. (i) In the real world, between 1960 and 2006 the growth rate of real GDP per capita across countries shows little or NO relation to the level of real per capita GDP ...
The vessels of the microcirculation consist of the arterioles, the capillaries and the venules. The arterioles, as mentioned before, are the major resistance vessels; the capillaries are exchange ...
Listen to true stories of experts in various industries. You will be inspired by their experiences and will have a better sense of what to expect in those industries. Showcase your skills by ...
In French, when speaking in the past tense, one must constantly choose between the imparfait and the passé composé (cf. part I). In this exercise we will focus on cases where both tenses are used in a ...
My research in Optimization involves developing efficient 1st and 2nd order optimization algorithms for minimizing loss functions in Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks: ...