The nude—the unclothed or partially clothed human body—has been featured in European art for millennia. After 1400, with the waning of the Middle Ages, artists depicted nudes as increasingly ...
The Getty Museum offers workshops and professional development programs that help you incorporate the study of art into your classroom. The Getty Museum Education department has created this guide to ...
The son of an amateur Pictorialist photographer, Kansuke Yamamoto (Japanese, 1914—1987) developed an interest in both photography and poetry as a teenager. From the beginning, his artistic practice ...
“I was interested in the Getty Center site because it was a place that had somehow escaped development. It was an island or peninsula of scarred mountainside surrounded by a carefully constructed ...
Julien-David Le Roy’s Les ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece, initially issued in 1758, first revealed to European eyes the wonders of Greek classical architecture. Overnight, Greece became ...
The special collections consist of rare and unique materials from the 15th century to the present: nearly 50,000 rare books, more than 27,000 single prints and drawings in albums and collections, 800 ...
The eloquent beauty of the vases produced in the workshops of the ancient Greeks is represented by a selection of pieces from the superb private collection of Molly and Walter Bareiss that spans more ...
For centuries, art has inspired poets and poetry has inspired artists. Discover a myriad of lessons, ideas, and multimedia that explore creative expression and inquiry at the crossroads of poetry and ...
Ancient Iran, historically known as Persia, was the dominant nation of western Asia for over twelve centuries, with three successive native dynasties—the Achaemenid, the Parthian, and the ...
Early pictorial works featuring Palmyra, like those of Cassas and Vignes, combined with the rise of travel descriptions by amateurs, increasingly inspired explorers and scholars in the late 19th ...
Getty Education supports K–12 teachers and students through field trips to explore our Museum collection in addition to rich program offerings throughout the year. We also provide professional ...
Conservation is a core value for most archaeological societies. It is highlighted in their codes of ethics, statements of mission, and governance. In recognition of this, the World Archaeological ...