Imagine a classroom where students test water samples, study shoreline erosion, and connect with the environment around them. This vision is becoming a reality as the Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council ...
Dean Cameron of Harbor Springs was named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2024 term at University of Maryland Global Campus. To be eligible for the honor, a student must complete at least six credits ...
Someone asked me recently if I could remember all the words to the HSHS fight song. I made it through the first verse but stumbled a bit in the second verse. Shortly after that, Heidi (Radle) ...
North Central Michigan College (NCMC) is collaborating with the Industrial Arts Institute (IAI) in Onaway and the Cheboygan-Otsego-Presque Isle Educational Service District (COPESD) to expand training ...
This year’s Harbor Springs High School Athletic Hall of Fame class of inductees are incredible coaches, decorated athletes, and set the bar high for the future of Harbor Springs Athletics. The ...
Emmet County Recycling (ECR) is honoring New Beginnings Resale Shop as Recycler of the Year. According to ECR, they are a testament to the power of landfill diversion and envi... Please subscribe to ...
TowerCom VI-B LLC proposes to build a 199-foot Monopole Communications Tower. Anticipated lighting application is medium intensity dual red/white strobes. The Site location is East Stutsmanville Road, ...