Would you like to be involved in finding solutions to future challenges of food and energy production, such as climate change, population growth and limited energy resources? Are you interested in ...
At the Faculty of Arts you can complete a degree in 6 Bachelor’s, 18 Master’s and 11 Doctoral programmes. The University of Helsinki scores highly in international comparisons of research and teaching ...
Our understanding of the universe is based on advances made in basic science research over approximately the last 100 years. The core scientific disciplines of math & statistics, physics, chemistry, ...
The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety offers the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. The study program combines ...
Data science combines computer science and statistics to solve exciting data-intensive problems in industry and many fields of science. As data is collected and analysed in all areas of society, the ...
The University of Helsinki Doctoral School has 33 doctoral programmes. Doctoral study rights are applied to from the programmes. Study rights are applicable 2–5 times a year, depending on the doctoral ...
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is Finland’s largest university department for mathematical sciences. Its multifaceted research has received the highest points in numerous assessments.
The Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures conference will explore the future of the teaching profession and teachers’ work, and the crucial role that teachers have in shaping the ...
Do you want to deepen your understanding of language in general or become an expert in linguistic diversity at a local or global scale? Are you interested in learning how humans perceive the world and ...
Re-MEND (Building Resilience against Mental illness during Endocrine-sensitive life stages) is a large EU-funded research project. In RE-MEND, mental health will is studied in relation to four life ...
Aleksanteri-instituutti on valtakunnallinen, Helsingin yliopiston alainen Venäjän, itäisen Euroopan ja Euraasian tutkimuskeskus. Tuomme kotimaisen yliopistoverkoston korkeatasoista tutkimusta ...