每月统计的会员国全额支付数目: ...
“闭上眼睛,想象有一位宇航员走进我们的大厅。你看到了谁:男人还是女人?”教科文组织的研讨会聚焦科学界的性别偏见 ...
“联合国将随时准备为所有旨在实现土著人民权利和愿望的举措提供支持。” 据估计,世界上共有3.7亿土著人民生活在约90个国家,他们在世界人口 ...
诗歌通过向我们揭示世界各地的个人都拥有同样的疑问和感觉,进而重申了我们共同的人性。诗歌是承载口述传统的中流砥柱 ...
People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources to meet our needs - from food, to fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. For us to enjoy the benefits and the beauty that ...
Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh - Secretary-General's remarks during his visit to Cox's Bazar [as delivered] New York - Secretary-General's remarks at the International Day to Combat Islamophobia ...
Data are critically important for everyone,” says Stefan Schweinfest, Director of UN DESA’s Statistics Division. “All the decisions that you take in your life, you're basing them on data,” he stressed ...
After intense negotiations, Parties to the Convention agreed on a way forward in terms of resource mobilization with a view to close the global biodiversity finance gap and achieve the target of ...
Las personas en todo el mundo dependen de los recursos basados en la vida silvestre y la biodiversidad para satisfacer sus necesidades, desde alimentos hasta combustible, medicinas, vivienda y ropa.
Q. What should I do if my media ground pass is stolen or missing? A. If your media ground pass is lost or stolen, you MUST immediately report it to the Media Accreditation Office (located at the ...
On 17 and 18 March, the Secretary-General will be in Geneva, Switzerland, to convene the two Cypriot leaders and the Guarantor Powers of Greece, Türkiye and the United Kingdom for an informal ...
The Cali Fund launches in the margins of the resumed session of COP16. By leveraging funding from the private sector, the Fund ushers in a new era for biodiversity ...