2025年2月16日,第27届纽约新春花车大游行在曼哈顿唐人街隆重举行。中国驻纽约总领事陈立大使出席活动并致辞,马萧萧副总领事陪同。美国参议院多数党领袖舒默,多名纽约州与市民选官员等各界人士出席。 在纽约唐人街,第 27 届农历新年游行如期举行,尽管遭遇了 20 多年来罕见的暴雨,庆祝氛围依旧热烈高涨。倾盆大雨未能阻挡成千上万的观众,他们齐聚唐人街的街道,共同欣赏盛大的花车巡游、鼓乐队演奏以及精彩 ...
the year starts on January 29th. It is the Year of the Snake. People also call it the “Year of the Small Dragon”. Because snakes and dragons look a bit the same. In Chinese stories ...
Directed by Yang Yu, widely known as Jiaozi, the film features Ne Zha, a popular young hero in Chinese ­legends and literature such as the literary classic “Journey to the West.” Born with ...