Spousal support | California Courts | Self Help Guide
Spousal support (also known as alimony) is a court ordered payment from one spouse or domestic partner to help cover the other’s monthly expenses. In California, when it is between married persons, support is called spousal support.
Long-term spousal support | California Courts | Self Help Guide
Once a divorce is final, you may receive (or pay) spousal or domestic partner support. This is called permanent or long-term spousal support. This is usually a monthly payment that can last for many years.
Respond to a request for spousal support - California Courts
This form lets you tell the judge and your spouse if you agree or disagree with the request and why. For Spousal or Domestic Partner Support, fill out items 4 and 10. In item 10 “Facts to Support” explain your position by giving facts. If you need more space, check the box that says “Attachment 10.”
Temporary spousal support | California Courts | Self Help Guide
There are 2 ways to get or change temporary spousal support 1. You and your spouse have a written agreement Prepare an agreement. 2. You ask the judge to order support This is the same if you want to get support or you need to change the support amount. Ask the judge to order temporary spousal support
How to collect spousal support | California Courts | Self Help Guide
They help collect spousal support if you're receiving child support (not just an order for past-due child support). Their services are free. The LCSA has many other ways to help collect support.
Paying spousal support | California Courts | Self Help Guide
Find out more about how to ask the judge to change the amount of temporary or long-term spousal support you pay. Temporary spousal support is support paid before your divorce is final. Long-term spousal support is support yo pay after your divorce is final (you have a judgment).
Prepare a temporary spousal support agreement
If you and your spouse or domestic partner agree about temporary spousal support, you can have your agreement made a court order without having to go in front of a judge.
Prepare an agreement to change long-term support
If you and your spouse or domestic partner agree to change your long-term spousal support judgment, you can have your agreement (also called a stipulation) made a court order without having to go in front of a judge.
Spousal or Domestic Partner Support Declaration Attachment
2021年1月1日 · Explain the facts that support your request for a spousal or domestic partner support judgment. This is always attached to another form, like Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgment (Form FL-170)
Spousal support index | California Courts | Self Help Guide
Find a specific page or step by step instructions within our spousal support section.