  1. Copilot 答案
    月球,即地卫一,俗称月亮,是地球唯一的天然卫星,直径约等于地球的四分之一,质量约为地球的1/81,相对于所环绕的行星,它是体积和质量最大的卫星,并且是太阳系中第五大的卫星,也是太阳系内密度第二高的卫星,仅次于木卫一。 一般认为月亮形成于约45亿年前,即地球出现后的不久。有关它的起源有几种假说,但没有一种能完全合理地作毫无破绽的解释,最被普遍认可的是大碰撞说,它假设月球形成于地球与火星般大小的“特亚”之间的一次巨大撞击。
    近地点363,104 km(0.0024天文单位
    远地点405,696 km(0.0027天文单位)
    半长轴384,399 km(0.00257天文单位)
    Names and etymology

    The usual English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is simply Moon, with a capital M. The noun moon is derived from Old English mōna, which (like all its Germanic cognates) stems from Proto-Germanic *mēnōn, … 展开

    Natural history

    The lunar geological periods are named after their characteristic features, from most impact craters outside the dark mare, to the mare and later craters, and finally the young, still bright and therefore readily visible craters with … 展开

    Physical characteristics

    The Moon is a very slightly scalene ellipsoid due to tidal stretching, with its long axis displaced 30° from facing the Earth, due to gravitational anomalies from impact basins. Its shape is more elongated than current tidal forces can a… 展开

    Earth–Moon system

    The Earth and the Moon form the Earth-Moon satellite system with a shared center of mass, or barycenter. This barycenter is 1,700 km (1,100 mi) (about a quarter of Earth's radius) beneath the Earth's surface.
    The Moon's orbi… 展开

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