White Zebra Finches? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2011年3月31日 · You said the "white" zebra finch at the pet store is a male. Zebra finches that are solid white can't easily be differentiated by sex, because there are no markings on them. You can tell somewhat by behavior, beak color, and some other clues, but it's not as easy as with the other colors. There are two ways (that I know of) to get a solid white ...
White Zebra Finch? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2019年2月14日 · I've got a friend with some zebra finches (4 to be exact) and they have hatched two groups of eggs. Eight the first time and now four. The first eight were all normal coloured finches but this time one out of the four is a white finch with a bit of a darker head.
Zebra Finch Questions - New Owner - BackYard Chickens
2014年6月22日 · Hi everyone, I am a new owner to zebra finches and have some questions. I have owned a male and female zebra finch for almost a year and although my finches have been laying eggs for months none have ever hatched...until a week and a half ago (possibly 2 weeks ago) And so now I have 5 baby zebra finches and a lot of questions.
The Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) - BackYard Chickens
2023年8月17日 · The Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) is a small passerine bird native to the arid regions of Australia. They are widely distributed throughout the continent, including regions like Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Zebra finches thrive in a variety of habitats such as grasslands, savannas, and open woodlands. Size:
The Australian Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia castanotis) remake
2023年8月20日 · Breeding: Zebra finches are known to breed extremely fast when given the proper setup. My breeding colony will breed together and in every nest they will lay between 3-6 or even 8 eggs per clutch, and because they are all laying at the same time all the chicks will be fledged around the same week.
Is our Zebra Finch a female or male? - BackYard Chickens
2013年8月30日 · A Zebra finch male has orange cheeks and and reddish brown patch with dots pattern under the wing. The lighter one that you have pictured looks like a male that is mutated in color. But it still looks like orange on the cheek and a very light spotted pattern under the wing. If so, they are both males.
help zebra finch with deformed feet - BackYard Chickens
2015年7月17日 · hello everyone i have recently adopted a zebra finch from a Petsmart and he was with 3 other male zebras who for whatever reason picked on him and pulled out his flight feathers and tail feathers olus a few back ones . upon closer inspection he has deformed feet in that his toes that are supposed to back facing are facing forward and he walks ...
Finch is losing back and neck feathers HELP - BackYard Chickens
2019年2月3日 · Minimum cage for two is 30 x 18 inches bigger is better. There is no condition which results in this pattern feather loss besides plucking so she's doing it when you're not around. They'll rip feathers out then snuggle moments apart. Zebra finches do get nasty in close quarters. A much larger cage should limit the plucking.
zebra finch, fawn | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
2012年4月21日 · my finch had 3 babys a few months ago the male is a normal orange cheek and the hen is a CFW, 2 of the babys are black cheeks with all the normal markings, the other one is a fawn color with a yellow beek and black cheeks, from what i can tell its a hen, does anyone know what type of male i...
finch chicks can anyone help? - BackYard Chickens
2008年1月14日 · Hi i have got some zebra finches they have just had 3 chicks they are about 3 to 4 weeks old not 2 of them are dark gray and one is almost pure white. I think i read somewhere that when they hatch they are all the same coulor is they white one special so it will stay white or are the 2 colours...